w50 Sandwich harbor – interesting animals

w50 Sandwich harbor – interesting animals

Just seven of the various animal species at Sandwich Harbor

The week was an interesting one, with many things happening. For media work, we were concentrating Sandwich Harbor, and the many interesting wildlife species that can be found here.

You are most likely to see these animals when you book one of the tours to this destination:

Sandwich harbor only

Walvis Bay, Pelican Point and Sandwich Harbor

Please, enjoy the pictures!

Great White Pelican at Sandwich Harbor.
Great White Pelican
Two Springbuck walking in the massive dunes at Sandwich Harbor.
Two Springbuck in the dunes
Black backed jackal at the hut at Sandwich Harbor.
Black- backed Jackal, dead tree and a long-abandoned hut
Lesser Flamingo and Avocet plovers at the lagune of Sandiwch Harbor.
Lesser Flamingo and Avocet Plovers at Sandwich Harbor
What to expect on a Sandiwch Harbor trip.
A family of ostrich at Sandwich Harbor
An Ostrich family at Sandwich
Cape fur seal pup posing for a photo
Cape fur seal pup posing for a photo.
Small yellow beetle that pollinates the !Nara plant.